GT 種籽
「為慶祝第三十屆加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營, 我們輯錄了一些「新曲+精選」與大家分享。當中包括許多因著加東而誕生的本地創作﹔也有過往從未出版﹐曾經失傳的加東主題曲﹔亦有加東營友耳熟能詳的「熱唱」作品。盼望這些來自天上的禮物﹐能為加東營友重燃心火﹐繼續作播種的工具﹐傳播頌謝天主的訊息。亦希望未有參加過加東的朋友﹐能夠藉著我們的熱誠﹐感受到天主的愛。」
“To commemorate the 30th ECCCLC (Eastern Canada Chinese Catholic Living Camp), we have compiled a variety of songs – new ones and oldies – to share with everyone. This collection includes songs created for ECCCLC camps, songs that have never been published and almost forgotten, and a few hit songs among ECCCLC campers. May this album reignite God’s flame in the hearts of all past and present campers, and share with those who have not been to ECCCLC the love of God and our passion for the Catholic faith.”
CD Production Team
“Thirty years ago, God planted a seed. Thirty years later, abundant fruits are all over the vines. I am so proud and I am so glad.”
Jerry Liu (Organizing Committee Member of the 1st ECCCLC in 1977)
「就這樣30年﹐由開始時幾個大學生﹐在想他們需要在還未開學前要聚在一起祈禱﹐現在做了30年﹐這是神恩。他們在開始時想也沒想過﹐但是天主在他們身上有啟示﹐回應了就成事了。就如聖母回應“be it done to me according to Your word”你叫就可以了。」
Fr. Thomas Au (Supporting ECCCLC since 1988)
「到此時此刻﹐我再來到﹐我覺得時代已經改變了﹐二十多三十年﹐甚麼也改變了﹐科技也完全改變了﹐唯一沒有改變的就是年青人的那份熱情。 …(今天)我也從這麼多人的眼裡可以感覺的那份衝勁﹐那份愛心﹐充份反映到天主在我們中間的一個愛心﹐這份熱情是始終都在的。這點就是唯一我看到是沒有改變的。」
Ringo Wu (Early 80‘s ECCCLC participant & ’93 ECCCLC Witness)
Digital Download:
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Song List
- 看建祢的國 (加東營主題曲2006)
- 醒覺 (加東營主題曲1996)
- 願我的禱聲
- 歸向父身邊 (加東營主題曲1999)
- Walk with You Always (2005 Theme Song)
- 基督的軛
- 祢的指引 (加東營主題曲2004)
- 公教青年人
- 躍出新方向 (加東營主題曲2001)
- 餅酒中的愛
- Members of the Body of Christ (1992 Theme Song)
- 愛頌
- 鹽與光
- 看建祢的國 [06 LIVE版] (加東營主題曲2006)
- 種籽 [大合唱版] (加東營主題曲1995)
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