
Photon 是一間以福傳為使命的機構,由華人天主教友於加拿大自資成立, 全力製作及推廣福傳產品。過去多年, Photon 製作的 The Way 音樂專輯,已經傳遍世界各地, 在不同的教會活動及信仰聚會中為主工作, 併發光芒。Photon 是光的分子; 基督既是世界的真光(若望福音第一章第九節), 我們亦是世界的光(瑪竇福音第五章第十四節)。 Photon 成員都認同這身分, 願作光的一分子, 永不止息地為主作見證。

Based in Canada, Photon was founded by Chinese Catholics with the mission to produce products that touch people’s hearts with God’s love, and to nurture the development of Chinese Catholic musicians. Over the years, Photon has produced and distributed “The Way” music around the world; the music has become an integral part of many parish events and ministries, proclaiming and celebrating God’s unconditional love for us.

Since light consists of photons, the name Photon reflects our desire to be light of the world, and to be photons of the True Light that reveals God’s love to humanity.  Today, Photon’s mission is two-fold:

- To create and distribute valuable products that help people to experience God and to evangelize.
- To provide an environment and opportunity to nurture the growth and development of Chinese Catholic musicians.
Photon’s Vision
- Produce and distribute products that touch people’s hearts with God’s love.
- Nurture Chinese Catholic musicians, some of whom may ultimately be involved in Catholic music ministry full time.
- Create products that enable other ministries to be more effective in evangelization.
- Be a Christ-centred organization and follow Jesus Christ as a role model (e.g. we donate 10% of net income before tax to Development and Peace (CCODP)
- Be a financially sustainable ministry.
Photon’s Core Principles
- Being a Christ-centred community that seeks holiness through work (celebrating work as a way to glorify God)
- Fair recognition of and remuneration for contribution from team members
- Striving for excellence in quality of work through mentoring, learning, growing, and exchanging knowledge and experience
- Being effective stewards of resources (including time, treasures and talents)
- Completely aligned with Church direction and teachings
- Proactively and responsibly responding to ministry needs

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