A Different Way 不一樣的路 – The Way 6
跟據聖經記載,當東方的賢士朝拜過在馬槽誕生的耶穌後,他們便從「另一條路」離開。教宗若望保祿二世於2005年普世青年節中曾經說過這「另一條路」可以象徵當我們經歷過耶穌基督後,便會有著新的生命,新的方向,走著新的路。《Photon 音樂光子》期望這音樂專輯能與大家結伴同行,朝著天主的國,邁步前行。
The title “A Different Way” was inspired by a paragraph from Pope John Paul II’s letter to the participants of World Youth Day 2005:
“’And they departed to their own country by another way’ (Mt 2:12). The Gospel tells us that after their meeting with Christ, the Magi returned home ‘by another way.’ This change of route can symbolise the conversion to which all those who encounter Jesus are called, in order to become the true worshippers that He desires (cf Jn 4: 23-24).”
We hope “A Different Way – The Way 6” will be a companion on your journey to God’s kingdom.
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Song List (Click links to see lyrics)
- Venimus Adorare Eum 特來朝拜祂 (普世青年節2005主題曲粵語版)
- 踏出多一點
- 迷途
- 神恩 (加拿大西岸天主教華人生活營2008年主題曲)
- 恩寵常在
- 願我肖似祂 The Gift of Life (加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營2007年主題曲)
- Receive the Power (普世青年節2008主題曲粵語版)
- 與祢漸近
- Mediocrity
- 祢光照我途 Light Our Way (加拿大東岸天主教華人生活營2008年主題曲)
- 洗
- Venimus Adorare Eum 特來朝拜祂 (普世青年節2005主題曲國語版)
- 願我主祝福你
Listen Now!
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“I wish the new CD “The Way 6 – A Different Way” , produced by Photon all success. I hope the community at large and the Catholic community in particular will support the effort of generous and believing youth, who offer their time and their talents for the spreading of Jesus’ Gospel. Evangelization through music is the aim of this production. May Jesus continue giving you His grace and Love.” |
Fr. Giovanni Giampietro, P.I.M.E. 恩保德神父 逾越知音 The Friends of Jesus’ Passover, Hong Kong, China |
“Once again Photon and Chinese Catholic young people in Canada have produced a wonderful collection of Catholic and Christian music that carries forward the spirit of World Youth Days. Following the great success of their version of “Light of the World” from World Youth Day 2002 in Canada, this latest collection contains two beautiful renditions of Germany’s (2005) and Australia’s (2008) World Youth Day songs in Cantonese and Mandarin. I encourage Chinese Catholics and all who seek an international experience of evangelization to listen to “A Different Way.” Congratulations to all who made this version possible.” |
Fr. Thomas Rosica, C.S.B., CEO, Salt and Light Catholic Television Network, Canada Former National Director and CEO, World Youth Day 2002 |
“Thank you for introducing me the new Photon CD. I have listened to all of them and enjoyed them greatly. With Chinese lyric, the WYD theme songs cast new lights on the World Youth Days’ Spirits. The rest of the songs are equally well versed especially 踏出多一點. They are the fruits of much prayful and reflective efforts. Congratulations and I wish many people, whether Christians and non-Christians, would feel, as I feel, the composers and singers’ joy and zeal of spreading God’s grace and love. God bless!” |
Fr. Daniel Chui, CSB 崔偉生神父 Spiritual Director, Fountain of Love and Life |
「神聖非凡屬於上主。忠信脫俗是我們的道路。」 |
Fr. Paul Chu 朱達章神父 Pastor, Canadian Martyrs Catholic Church, Richmond, BC, Canada |
“This uplifting song (恩寵常在) invites all of us to give praise and thanks to God for all His blessings, especially the gift of life and the gift of grace. All that we are and all that we have come from His infinite love. We are also invited to open our hearts to the divine love and saving grace of God, which will transform us and the world and will make us more beautiful. This song reminds me three simple but important truths: 1. Every good thing comes from God, 2. The grace and blessing of God is received through prayer, and 3. We are transformed and perfected by the grace of God. Thank you for such an inspiring song.” |
Fr. Anthony Ho 何庭耀神父 Assistant Pastor, St. Patrick Catholic Church, Vancouver, BC, Canada |
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